Monday, February 25, 2013

Cozy Winter Weekend

I kind of want to go back and replay it all over again :) This weekend was relaxing, slow, and re-energizing.

It began Friday night spending some much needed time with my roommate. I don't think we've sat down together to talk or watch a movie with with one another since before Christmas! After staying up entirely too late, I consequently spent all day Saturday in my pajamas. :) But don't worry...I was still productive!


I've been working on my first ever quilt! I may have gone a little overboard with the floral prints, but they were all just so pretty it was hard to only choose a few. And now I have plans for ten more quilts...if only there were time!
Sunday consisted of lunch at a nearby bakery where I bought my favorite tea cookies to compare with a recipe I found online (recipe to come!). I accomplished a significant amount of schoolwork and still had time to spend a few hours visiting good friends, baking up some delicious banana muffins to eat while we chatted, and got started on a thick, cream-colored scarf.

I'm feeling well rested and ready to attack whatever may come this week...which just happens to be a few mid-terms!

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