Thursday, March 14, 2013

If At First You Don't Succeed

Last weekend I had a great idea! With mid-terms and crazyness approaching, I decided to pre-make all of my meals and snacks for the week to ensure that I had enough energy to keep me going through exams, and that what I was eating was good for my body too.

I started by trying a recipe I found online for homemade banana chips:
1.Slice bananas into chip sized pieces
                                               2. Coat them in lemon juice (to prevent browning)
                                               3. Bake at 200 degrees for 4 hours, flipping chips over after 2 hours
My mom has the coolest kitchen tools. I made the banana chips while visiting her last weekend, and she pulled out this cool little slicer. I cut the banana short enough to fit inside the plastic box and pulled the lever down for perfect sized chips in seconds!

The smells coming from the oven were incredible. It was really hard to be patient for 4 hours as they baked!
I did all of the baking in the evening. After they came out of the oven, the chips were still chewy in the middle. They were pretty brown so I didn't want to bake them any longer. Instead I left them out over night hoping they would dry out a little more.
Unfortunately...they never did. And the flavor from the lemon juice made them a little too tangy. SO I would determine this a failed recipe. However, I'm determined to try again and get perfect, crispy, sweet tasting banana chips!
But in the meantime...

 Let me know if any of you have tried this recipe or a similar one before and knows a trick to make them crispy!

I hope you are all having a blessed and sweet week. :)


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